Task 3 / (Group Work) Produce the final presentation of the proposed solution to a panel of reviewers.
10.05.2022 -02.07.2022 (Week 7 - Week 15)
Yu Dawei / 0344780 / BDCM
Task 3 / (Group Work) Produce the final presentation of the proposed solution to a panel of reviewers.
Week 14
Mr Mike gave us 2 examples that are from our seniors' and let us refer.
Week 15
The slides are in progress and need to be shown in the order of the user journey and not in media categories.
Make sure that the slides are showing the works’ design clearly. Split the slides to show larger visuals.
Need to remember that the star of the show is the product design.
Throughout the whole semester, I felt like I have so much pressure on this class. Now I knew that next time it's better to make a group with someone I familiar with, otherwise the situation such as groupmate disappearing will come up. This semester, our group leader didn't show up for over 5 weeks or maybe more. He didn't join class, didn't do work, even we called and texted him, he showed no response. So for the peer evaluation, I just mark him as 0. He's the worst group leader ever, his disappear causes our workload become huge. However, other groupmates are working hard, thanks to them, we will pass this module.