Digital Matte Painting/Project 2
25.05.2022 -10.06.2022 (WEEK 9 - WEEK 11)
Yu Dawei / 0344780 / BDCM
Digital Matte Painting/Project 2
Week 9
For project 2. We will start with sketching and move on to digitization and then generation using the appropriate software.
Mr Kannan said my work is pretty much there, nothing much to say. He just let me polish it and can submit.
This semester, we have Digital Matte Painting with Mr Kannan. Mr Kannan is a great teacher. He describe detaily about what we need to do for each week, what requirement we need to meet. He taught us skills about doing matte painting. We Need to find existing images, use photo bashing techniques, to do matte painting, the difference between digital matte painting and environment design is matte painting can use existing images.