Digital Matte Painting/Project 1
25.04.2022 -26.05.2022 (WEEK 5 - WEEK 9)
Yu Dawei / 0344780 / BDCM
Digital Matte Painting/Project 1
Week 5
We start the project 1 with exercise at the same time. For this project, we have to:
- Blocking out 3 art work based on the images selected without color picking from the chosen photo.
- To choose 1 final art work that will be polished and final rendered.
Week 7
Add more details, and clean the lines.
Try to make the drawings as similar as the original photos.
Final pdf.
Week 6
This week I shawn my work to Mr Kannan, Mr Kannan said I need to clean the drawing and make sure it doesn't looks blurry. He said I also can use different texture brushes to make the drawing better.
This semester, we have Digital Matte Painting with Mr Kannan. Mr Kannan is a great teacher. He describe detaily about what we need to do for each week, what requirement we need to meet. He taught us skills about doing matte painting. We Need to find existing images, use photo bashing techniques, to do matte painting, the difference between digital matte painting and environment design is matte painting can use existing images.