Minor Project Task 1 / Propose an innovative project proposal as a group

29.03.2022 -29.04.2022 (Week 1 - Week 5) 
Yu Dawei / 0344780 / BDCM
Minor Project Task 1 / Propose an innovative project proposal as a group


Week 1

This week's class is our first class for this module. Actually, I had no idea about what should we do in this module until the briefing session from Mr. Mike shared. This module required us to fill in a project tracking document. In this project was the collaboration with other schools' students. We were given a few different topics as choices and we needed to decide on the topic we wanted and form group mates in the class. I choose the topic of Food In The City and formed a group with four peers from different specializations.

Week 2

We were given a short lecture this week to let us have a basic understanding of persona and empathy mapping. After that, we were provided time to move on with the project progression. As we needed to come up with a survey for the persona in these few weeks, we began to define our persona and do the empathy map as well. We were confused about our personas’ decisions thus we consulted with Mr. Mike and got the solution to our problems. We finally decided on the four major personas of college students,  householders, plant-lovers and chefs for our project. We also uploaded the biowaste we collected on miro board.

Week 3

This week, we should have come up with the survey questions and generated them already but we were slower than the expected progression flow. We were still in the question generating stage. We were advised to only include those questions that really helped us solve the problem statement and avoid unnecessary questions that might make respondents feel bored of the long survey. We tried to catch up on the progress and generated the survey questionnaire together in class. We showed our draft survey to Mr. Mike and received feedback that needed to amend some parts. We sent out the questionnaire to our target audience after doing the amendment.

Week 4

We reached our expected numbers of survey respondents and stopped to receive responses anymore this week. We showed our survey questions to Mr. Mike by placing the link in the Miro board. We were reminded to start the analysis of survey results and made a consequence for each section. We also needed to come up with a final conclusion from the survey analysis and the percentage of personas would be obtained through the analysis results. We did the analysis in the tutorial session.

Week 5
We showed our personas percentage and confirmed that our major persona would be college students as their responses were the most and the following personas would be householders, plant-lovers and chefs. After that, we were required to come up with 5 ideas per person on the composter design by this Friday. On Friday, we were tasked to categorise those ideas proposed into a few main theme sections in order to help us better to come up with the upcoming task of defining the insights.

Week 1
Start collecting the biowaste in the following week and watch
Week 2

Week 3
  • For our questionnaire, try to avoid using the word ‘biowaste’ as it is not a general word so maybe someone will not understand the questions and the questionnaire will be not effective
  • Need to be careful of the grammar using of o.ur questions.Assign the amount of respondents of each persona for each groupmate and start to send out the questionnaire
Week 4
  • Need to analyse the survey, not just only show the result in your Miro board
  • Survey Analysis need to be completed
Week 5
  • 25 ideas by Friday to confirm on categories and find the themes.


Throughout the whole semester, I felt like I have so much pressure on this class. Now I knew that next time it's better to make a group with someone I familiar with, otherwise the situation such as groupmate disappearing will come up. This semester, our group leader didn't show up for over 5 weeks or maybe more. He didn't join class, didn't do work, even we called and texted him, he showed no response. So for the peer evaluation, I just mark him as 0. He's the worst group leader ever, his disappear causes our workload become huge. However, other groupmates are working hard, thanks to them, we will pass this module.
