Digital Matte Painting/Exercise
28.03.2022 -20.05.2022 (Week 1 - Week 5)
Yu Dawei / 0344780 / BDCM
Digital Matte Painting/Exercise
Week 1
We will undergo a series of exercises that will enhance your understanding of matte as listed below:
- Perspective Studies (Landscapes and Interiors)
- Compositions
- Value Studies
- Sky replacements
- 2.5D mattes
- Invisible Set Extensions
Week 2
This week we start to do the exercise, this is my work below:
Week 3
This week we start to do sky replacement, this is my work below:Week 4
This week, we start to think about what we need to do for Project 2-Invisible Set Extensions. We need to sketch out the rough idea.
Week 5
I finish the exercise, make it as PDF. and submit, this is my work below:
During the exercise, Mr Kannan taught us that we need to understand the horizontal line, vertical line, vanishing point etc. Those are the keys that to make the drawing look balance and good.
This semester, we have Digital Matte Painting with Mr Kannan. Mr Kannan is a great teacher. He describe detaily about what we need to do for each week, what requirement we need to meet. He taught us skills about doing matte painting. We Need to find existing images, use photo bashing techniques, to do matte painting, the difference between digital matte painting and environment design is matte painting can use existing images.