Video and Sound Production, Project 1

Video and Sound Production, Project 1
Week 2- Week 14
Yu Dawei 0344780 BDCM
Video & Sound Production
Project 1


Week 2: Exercise 1 / Audio Dubbing

Week 3:
This week, we need to put our own voice into the video and add sound effects into it to make the video more interesting.

Week 9: Exercise 2 / Audio shaping exercise

This week, Mr Martin let us watch the recorded viddeo and do this audio shaping exercise, he let us play around with the sound and try to make sounds took from different places. Such as toilet, stadium, phonecall, inside the closet, inside the cave.

This is the work I've done below.

Week 12 : Exercise 3 / Audio exercise
This week , Mr Martin let us make: 
1. Magnification EXPLOSION sound 2. Variation of PUNCH SOUNDS (Triple punches) 3. MONSTER of ALIEN voice (select one part from sample voice)


Week 4 exercise 1: Mr Martin said my work is well done, and try to lower the background music would be better. Week 9 exercise 2: 1. No ambience sound ?should be street ambience 2. 1. tweak male (need tweak pitch lower a bit, your voice too sharp like youngman, character is middle age man) and cat sound with PITCH SHIFTER 3. no music, need assess ambience sound Week 12 exercise 3: Looks great, no feedback was given.


Video and Sound Production was a interesting subject, it is more interesting than other subjects during this semester. I 've learned so many things from Mr. Martin, such as how to use Adobe Audition and Adobe Premiere Pro and so many other techniques in these two softwares. Such as making monster voice, put our own voice into the movie in Audition. Make different movie angles and movie effects in Premiere Pro. Because of the corona virus, I still cannot come to Malaysia and learn the lesson face to face with the lecturer, so It is new for me to learn things through the online learning system. I can feel it, the online class is way different with the face to face learning, I love Mr Martin's class, it was fun.

Video and Sound Production is a important class. In many movies, we can hear different sound effects produced by those sound productioners, it is fun to make these sound effects and shoot movies by ourselves,  how fascinating Video and Sound Production is.

I've found out that Adobe Audition and Adobe Premiere Pro are very useful softwares and now I know how powerful that these two softwares can be into my lecturer's hands. It is a very interesting learning. The lecturer in this class gives me feedbacks that I can improve my works to make them better. I've learn a lot in this class.
